Josh has never been a "gamer". I think that I have seen him play maybe a video game like 5 times since I have met him. He has always been more of a on the field or court kind of player.

I also have never been into playing any sort of video games. Board games, card games, or watching Josh's games is more my kind of thing.

Alyse...well, she is happy just playing with her "house" aka - her Little People Castle or her kitchen.

So, when some of our friends invited us over the other night for dinner and to play with their Wii, I said "Yes", but was planning on just watching them play.

I have heard over and over that playing the Wii was fun, but I had no idea that we would have so much fun. Especially my non gamer husband.

Here are some shots of our Wii fun: (He is bowling and boxing in these pictures.)

I think I have an idea of what I may be getting Josh for his birthday.....


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