Ok, here is something you have all been waiting for. A "real" blog post! Please, don't get too excited.


They are pink and fuzzy. They are super comfy and I wear them ALL the time. The minute I walk into my house, my feet slip them on. As soon as I wake up in the morning I have to search around in my bed to find them since they usually get kicked off in the middle of the night.

They are my favorite pink slippers.
Sadly, I must say goodbye to them.

Why? Well, because even though they look great from the top, on the bottom, they aren't holding up so well. It started with a little hole by the toe. Now the whole bottom is falling off. It sounds sorta like a flip flop when I walk in them, however the flap that is flipping and flopping is at the front of my left foot. Let me just tell you that doesn't work too well. I have only tripped oh about .... 20 times on that little flap, but I decided that it is time to put them to rest.

It is so sad.

I have many memories where they were with me.

  • They were worn the first night in our new house. (4 years ago)
  • They were worn when I would come home from a long day of teaching.

  • They were worn on my summer breaks when the only time I took them off was when I was putting flip flops on to go to the pool.

  • They were worn the night we brought a little puppy home and then were rescued all those times that I had to chase that growing puppy all around the house and wrestle them out of his mouth.

  • They were worn while I was putting up Christmas decorations and opening gifts on Christmas morning. (Oh, and maybe at one of the Christmas parties at my house....)

  • They were worn that day that I stood in my bathroom and read "Pregnant" and over the next few months when my belly got bigger and bigger.

  • They were worn a few days at school when my feet were so big and swollen that no shoe was ever going to fit comfortably for a whole day.

  • They were packed and worn in a hospital room were a beautiful newborn was sleeping right beside of me.

  • They never left my feet as I was recovering from a c-section and was first introduced to being a full time mommy.

  • They were worn as I rocked my precious angel and while I have played many a game of "Ring Around the Rosie" or read a book aloud.

  • They were worn as I typed most of the blogs that you have read.

  • They were worn on a cruise ship in the middle of the ocean.

  • They have been worn by a little girl calling them "Mommy shoes"

  • They were worn for many hours as I watched TV, or read a book, or talked on the phone with a friend.

  • They have spent lots of time cooking and hanging out in the laundry room.

  • They were worn as I have laugh, as I have cried, as I have ....... well, they have been worn pretty much constantly over the last few years.
But now it is time for us to part.
So long, dear friends.
You will be greatly missed!


  1. Anonymous said...
    Steph, I love the blog. It brought a tear to my eye just thinking of all those wonderful events. Also Dad set up my new digital frame here at work for me I love it.

    Love Mom
    Joy said...
    I so feel your pain! We share a love of slippers. I have yet to find the perfect replacement pair. I like my pink ones but they are just not as wonderful and my old purple ones.
    Jill Pagels said...
    What a cute post! I forgot that you changed your blog address and have been missing it for awhile...I was so happy when I remembered this evening and found the new site through Facebook. I'm having fun catching up. ;)

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