This is Alyse's crib:

Usually every morning I wake up to a little voice in the monitor saying, "Daddy! Josh! Mommy! snodhoghsohdno" then there may be a little fussing. This repeats until I finally can wake up enough to go get her. (Well, unless Josh is home. If he is home, he always goes to get her.)

The other morning I heard a little moving around, but hadn't heard any name calling or fussing yet. After a little bit she started to cry. Not fuss. Cry! I got up out of bed and walked in to find this:

(Well, sorta this. This picture is a re-enactment. At the time there were tears, not smiles.)

Yes, she was sitting on the floor! THE FLOOR! As in NOT IN HER CRIB!

I paused. That really was the last thing that I was expecting. I picked her up and asked her what happened. She just kept pointing to her crib. I looked and her Taggie and "Tassy" were still in her bed, so I don't really know why she had tried to get out. She got a new ducky pillow for Christmas (see picture above). I am wondering if she used that to boost herself up.

Guess I will never know what in the world she was doing. I just hope it doesn't become a habit!


  1. Joy said...
    NO WAY!!! Is it already time for a big girl bed? WOW! I guess you'll have to go furniture shopping if she continues to escape.
    HHMM, what could you do with the crib after she moves into a big girl bed? Let me think? I'll get back to you on that!
    Because of Love said...
    I don't have any idea what you mean....

    Don't worry. I plan to have a nice glow by this summer. :)

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