You may notice that if you scroll down and look on the right side, I have added something new to my blog.

That is right. I signed up for Twitter.

I was thinking about it and decided that it might be a fun little addition for my blog. I also know that I enjoy reading about what other people are doing. It makes me feel like I have some social interaction when I am just hanging out at home.

So, I went to the website. Started an account. Added it to my blog and Facebook, and was all set.

Then, I told Josh. You should have seen his face! He looked at me like I was crazy. He then rolled his eyes and said, "Stephanie! Seriously?" Then came a big sigh as he shook his head.

I started to think about it....
Why would people care what I am doing? What am I going to say, "Just changed a diaper", "Putting Alyse down for a nap", "Loading the dishwasher", ...

Then I remembered....
Didn't I use to make fun of people who twittered all the time? Now I am a twitterer!

So anyway, I don't know how long this new Twitter Phase will last, but for now, we will give it a shot.

Let me know what you think.


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