This Sunday was the first week of a brand new series at Elevation called Encore. There was an on-line poll for people to vote on some of the favorite sermon series and songs from the past two years.

This Sunday was the encore of the Sun Stand Still series.

Josh and I were both very disappointed that we were not able to be there. First, because we love our church and hate to miss a Sunday, but also because we both loved this sermon series. It was probably both of our favorites. I also was sad because I knew that the story of Wade, Ferris, and their two beautiful girls was going to be shared.

Since I was not able to be there, I just sat and watched it on of the Elevation website. Now that I am done crying.... I want to encourage you to watch it too. It will take about 35 minutes. You can watch it here: Encore-Week 1-Sun Stand Still.

Also, at the end of the service they sang the song "Sun Stand Still" that Wade wrote. It is not on the video, but it you would like to here it, click here.

Sun Stand Still
words and music by Wade Joye
We confess our dreams are way too small
God for who You are
You're beyond expectations
We're crying out for restoration here
You are the God who saves
You're beyond limitations
Sun stand still
Oceans part
Nothing is too hard
Nothing is too hard
Refuge for the weak
Strong and mighty
Nothing is too hard
Nothing is too hard
Within us, the spirit who raised Christ
Victor over death
You're the God of resurrection
More than we could ask or imagine
This promise is ours
The hope of our salvation
Sun stand still
Oceans part
Nothing is too hard
Nothing is too hard
Refuge for the weak
Strong and mighty
Nothing is too hard
Nothing is too hard
We believe, we believe that You are God
Nothing is too hard

1 Comment:

  1. Kim McCutcheon said...
    I didn't get to hear the sermon either- we were at the beach. I'll have to try and get on the website and listen. Hope everyone's feeling better.
    Kim M.

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