Sunday was the last day of the Come Home series at our church, Elevation. I loved this series. It was amazing to see over 1300 people in 3 weeks "come home".

This Sunday's sermon was so good. I would have to say that I would put it up in my top 10 favorite sermons. Pastor spoke on Mephibosheth, who was Jonathan's son who was crippled because someone dropped him as a child (2 Samuel 4:4 and 2 Samuel 9).

I had the pleasure of sitting through the service twice, once in the morning and then at the evening service. The first time I heard it I was taking notes like crazy because there were so many wonderful points. Then at the evening service I just sat and listened to it and picked up on so many new things.

I really think that you should take the next half hour or so and watch this sermon. I think that you will really enjoy it. Plus, if you look around the 23/24 min mark you might see a blond girl who wasn't having a great hair day and was freezing to death and was all bundled up in her coat. Just ignore her!

Note: another reason I decided to post this sermon was because a few Sundays ago people were given these postcards to send to someone in our lives that we wanted to invite to Come Home. I never got one of the postcards. (I hardly ever get anything that they hand out cause I am either backstage or running all over the place.) At first, I just kind of let it go thought "Oh well!". Then I started to think, maybe someone out there in blog world will somehow stumble onto my blog and it will be like a side street that they find looking for the road home. So, this in a way was my postcard. Thanks for letting me share.

(For more information about Elevation Church or if you would like to join us for a service, click here.)


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