Tag, I'm it! Yesterday, my friend Dawn tagged me to tell y'all 15 random things about little old me. So, here we go.....
- Sweatpants, t-shirt, sweatshirt, slippers - That is what I live in.
- I love my television, bed, and laptop. Together, they are a wonderful combination!
- I read my US weekly cover to cover every week, usually the day it comes in the mail, which is Thursdays or sometimes Fridays.
- Alyse and I have a dance party at least 3 times a week.
- When people have music on their blogs I get really distracted. (No offense to anyone! I love music too.) It is really hard for me to read and listen to the music at the same time. Just me?
- I REALLY want to go to Hawaii, and Australia, and Europe...mostly I want to go to London, Paris, and Venice. Someday I will go to all those places.
- One time in middle school I won a jalapeno eating contest. I ate 88.
- As much as I love my life, I sometimes wonder what it would have been like if I would have gone off to live in NYC or another big city for a year or so. I've never even lived in an apartment!
- I hate my wedding pictures! Wish I could do them all over again. There are only 2 that I can look at without getting depressed. HATE my hair! Didn't love a few other things. Loved my flowers!
- Would love to go and have a girls night really soon. I'm thinking when the new "Confessions of a Shopaholic" movie comes out. LOVED the book, the whole series actually. Anyone want to plan dinner and a movie?
- I know that my husband is picking up prostitutes today.
- I hide in my closet. If I get really stressed or sad I always end up sitting in there. It started in college when that was the only place I could go to be alone. Still do it.
- I think I have told you this before, but I am scarred to death of squirrels/chipmunks. Was attacked by one one time. I was throwing some trash away at a park. The ferocious animal jumped on me and ran down my back. Makes me squirm just thinking about it.
- I can't snuggle with Josh in bed for too long. 1st - I've told you before that he isn't the soundest of sleepers. 2nd- I get kinda claustrophobic. My arms have to be able to move. We will start the night off all cuddled up, but always end up in our own area on our own side of the bed. Anyone else like that, or are you cuddle like on TV and in the movies kind of people?
- I'm ready to be pregnant again.
Now, it's your turn: Amy, Allison, Nicole, Colleen, and my dad.
1 Comment:
- Jill Pagels said...
January 23, 2009 at 2:34 PMI had to laugh when I read #11. Fortunately I know what Josh does for a living, or I'd be really concerned that he was out picking up prostitutes and that didn't seem to bother you. :)
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