Let's just say that Josh isn't the soundest of sleepers.
Before we were married, I had heard about it.
Jonathan had told me some stories about how when they were kids and they had sleepovers there had been bear attacks and trains coming.
In high school when we were at a youth conference, I was only a few rooms down the hall the night all the sheets had to come off the hotel bed. I even got to experience it myself when on a trip for my 18th birthday I came home with a black eye. One minute I was sitting in the car all snuggled up on Josh's shoulder. The next minute I had been punched in the eye.
(Josh also pushed me down the stairs and broke my toe while we were dating. You didn't know I was in an abusive relationship did you? Kidding! Anyway, back to the topic...)
In college his roommates and teammates told me about his conversations in the middle of the night. They explained to me that it was very entertaining and it could go on for quite some time if you got him talking.
Then we got married.
The first time I was woken up in the middle of the night was apparently during either a basketball game or practice. He started shouting names of plays out and was shuffling across the bed.
The funniest time he ever did it was only a few months ago. I woke up and heard the shower. I walked in and Josh was standing in the dark. I asked him what he was doing. He replied, "Getting ready. I have to go pick up Pastor." I then turned on the light, turned off the shower, and explained to him that he should go back to bed because it was 3:30 on a Saturday morning and I was sure that Pastor was sleeping.
The only time that I was ever nervous was the night that he jumped out of bed, ran over to the window and started beating on it yelling about how we had to get out.
Now when it happens, he is usually arresting someone. He is yelling for people to put their hands up or other orders. Every once in awhile he is in a pursuit. He is saying street names and call numbers.
Last night was a little different. It was about 4:30 am. I was woken up by Josh hugging me telling me that everything was going to be alright. He keep kissing me and telling me that he was there and he loved me. I'm not really sure what was wrong, but it was nice to know that he loves me.
Too bad he never remembers anything the next morning.
1 Comment:
- Anonymous said...
July 18, 2008 at 9:50 AMthat is such a funny story!