Something that you may not know about me is my love of old movies. There are many days that I will turn on AMC or Turner Classic Movies and get all excited because a movie I like will be on. (If Cary Grant or Doris Day is in it, I know that I might need to clear the next hour or two of my schedule or get the DVR recording ASAP!) To this day, movies like "Seven Brides For Seven Brothers", "Singing In The Rain", "Meet Me in St. Louis", "Oklahoma", "By The Light Of The Silvery Moon", etc. are all part of my DVD collection.

When I was a little girl, I don't remember watching cartoons. I remember watching musicals. I would spend hours watching Gene Kelly, Judy Garland, Fred Astair, Ginger Rodgers and others sing and dance.

One of my favorite actress/singer/dancer was always Shirley Temple. I remember singing along with fun songs like "Be Optimistic", "Animal Crackers In My Soup", and of course "The Good Ship Lollipop".

About two years ago, when I was pregnant with Alyse, my mom bought me the 12-pack Shirley Temple DVD Collection (which includes some of my favorites - "Heidi", "Curly Top", "Baby Take A Bow", "Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm", etc.). Mom and I both decided that I wouldn't open it, and would keep it to watch with my little girl someday. Well, tonight I ripped off that cellophane, and Alyse and I watched "Little Miss Broadway" together.

She loved the music! (I will admit that there was a tear or two that ran down my face as she clapped along with the music.) I wouldn't say that it was her favorite movie. (It is hard to compete with Cinderella.) But she did like it, and there are 11 more just waiting for our viewing pleasure.

Plus I have a feeling that Shirley won't be the only star that my mom and I will be introducing her to!

1 Comment:

  1. Lofthill Love said...
    I recall watching Oklahoma at your Herndon home ages ago lol you are a true fan!

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