A few weeks ago, my sister called me and asked if I knew that "The Backyardigans" were coming to town. (If you don't know what The Backyardigans are, you must click here and here!) Alyse really likes that show, so Danielle and I decided that we would get tickets for us all to go.

Well, last night was the night of the show.

At first, I didn't think we were going to make it. After a long morning at church, I got home a little before 3 and put Alyse down for a nap. At 5:25 I started to try to get her (and Josh) up since we were suppose to meet my sister, her boyfriend Jessie, and his daughter at 5:30. We finally left the house and began to make our way uptown in the POURING rain. Traffic was almost at a stand still. Then we remembered that we needed cash for parking. So we had to find an ATM. Finally we made it to Ovens. I get Alyse out of the car seat as Josh got the umbrella out of the back. As we rushed inside I lost my shoe and almost fell, Alyse's hair bow fell out, Alyse's shoe fell off, etc. By the time we made it inside my jeans were wet up to my knees and there had been some tears. (No, not from Alyse, from me.)

We found my sister and made it to our seats just in time for the show to begin. Once we were there, I relaxed and decided that I was just going to enjoy myself. And we really did enjoy it.

The show was all about how The Backyardigans were knights who were trying to find an egg that "had scrambled away". It was very cute. At first Alyse just stood there. I think she was a little confused, but eventually she started to clap, laugh, and dance along. She seemed to really like it.

Sadly, I could not take any pictures during the show, but here are some that I was able to take:

Alyse and Daddy at our seats

Alyse with her knight's shield
Danielle, Jayden, and Alyse

Alyse with her new t-shirt

Time to go home!


  1. Joanie Richards said...
    I love the "time to go home" picture.
    Anonymous said...
    That was so much fun. I keep telling everyone about how cute Alyse was with her hands up.
    Kim McCutcheon said...
    Amber loves that show too!! She's a little old, but she loves all the noggin shows, and we didn't discover them until a couple of months ago! Pretty sad, that she is 6 and enjoys preschool shows:-)
    Joy said...
    Thanks for posting pictures of Danielle...it's the only way I get to see her!

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