About a month ago, I got the Fall 2008 catalog for a kids clothing line that I really like. I have bought a few things in the past for Alyse from this particular collection before, but haven't been able to afford very many things. The night that I got the catalog, I looked through it about 5 times circling everything that I wanted to get Alyse. I even called my friend Joy on the phone and we looked through our catalogs together. (I knew she had one too because she is the one who got me into all this. Thanks a lot, JOY!) By the time I was done making my selections of things Alyse HAS to have, the total was $870 (without shipping). When I started to discuss this with Josh he looked at me like I was crazy. Then he made me PROMISE that I "would NOT do anything stupid".
Well, I have been doing very well. I haven't ordered anything and have only pulled out the catalog once or twice from it's hiding spot in my bedside table.
However, I am having difficulties today because I opened up my Inbox of my e-mail and there it was.... The invitation to look at their website.
Oh no!
"Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the body is weak." Matthew 26:41
Catalog/internet surfing is still free...it only gets expensive when you "ADD To Your Cart"!!!! HEEHEEHEE.