What did you do today? I didn't do anything all that exciting. Here is some of what filled the hours.....
- I woke to the very sad news about Steven Curtis Chapman's family. So sad!
- I cuddled with Alyse and watched her favorite show (The Wiggles)
- We ate waffles and strawberries for breakfast. Yummy
- Alyse and I watched "The Backyardigans" and danced along with the music. (If you don't know what "The Backyardigans" are, click here so you aren't missing out on the best cartoon choreography! Watch the penguin when the background is yellow/orange stripped. It is the best!)
- Alyse took a FOREVER long nap. Not kidding! 10:30 till 2:15! It was crazy!
- Lunch (at 2:30)
- Played outside in Alyse's new play area in the backyard and waited for Grammy and Papa to get here.
- Went to dinner at Qdoba! My favorite!
- Rode in Papa's car where Alyse happily sat and watched "The Wiggles" on the DVD player. (They spoil her! As soon as she got in the car that little finger was pointing up there.)
- Came home and played with the dog. (This makes Alyse so happy!)
- 8:00 Bed Time for Alyse. "So You Think You Can Dance" time for me!
- Watched my dad eat dessert......2 of my 100 calorie pack grasshopper cookies!
- Played on my dad's laptop....Josh, can we PLEASE get one!?!?!?!?!
- Watched Tonia on the news
- Went to bed to cuddle with Josh and go to sleep