Today for my Friday Friend Day post, I have chosen to write about my beautiful friend Lori. (AKA - "The Lorious One".)

Why, did I choose to write about her today? Well, it is because I got to have her lovely company for lunch today. I am so glad that she fits me into her crazy schedule.

I consider it an honor to be her friend. I know that she has many awesome people who surround her and I am glad that I can be part of her entourage.

Some of the reasons I love her so much is:

1 - I respect her so much for her dedication to Pastor. Being his assistant is not a job to her, it is her life. She is one of the hardest workers that I know. Now, sometimes, I admit, I encourage her to take more time for herself, but I know that she really does love her job even on the busy, crazy, hard days.

I see how much she does for so many people, so I always try to follow her around on Sunday mornings to be her own personal assistant/armor bearer. I hope she knows that if she needs anything, all she has to do is ask. (Even if it is to be quite and get out of the way so she can run to catch up with Pastor, answer her phone, or move onto the next thing on her agenda.)

2 – She always makes me smile. Even when she is running around like crazy, she always has a kind or funny thing to say. She always makes me laugh. Every text message and e-mail (even if they aren't personal ones) make me smile when I see they are from her.

3 – I think she is one of the most special people in the whole world. She is so sweet and beautiful on the inside and the out! And the more I get to know her, the more I realize what a truly special woman she is.

I love you, my friend!

1 Comment:

  1. Anonymous said...
    I would have to agree with you...I think she is just lovely: )

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