We have a guest blogger today. As I was sitting down to write, little Miss Alyse decided that she would erase everything that I had typed and she would do a little blogging for her own. This is what she had to say:

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This is what I have decided it translates into:

Dear friends and family,
Thank you so much for helping me celebrate my birthday. It was my best birthday ever.

To all of my friends who came to my birthday party and got me such nice gifts, thank you! It was was very nice of you. I love my pretty new clothes, my new purses and hairbows, my Cinderella doll, my books, my tunnel, my puzzels, and everything else! I am also looking forward to doing some shopping with my Babies R' Us gift card. Thank you also to your mommies who helped you buy my presents and brought you to my party.

To Grammy, Papa, Aunt Danielle, Aunt Rachel and Uncle Joey, Aunt Maria, Aunt Joy, Uncle Dougy, Mac, Jacob, Emma Grace, and Nana: Thank you for all your presents and for coming to see me. I am very excited about my sand and water table and all my new books, clothes, and other toys. I love you all very much.


1 Comment:

  1. Jill Pagels said...
    Too cute! I hope you all had a great day!

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