Well, I hope your New Years Eve was better than mine. (I know that sounds so depressing.)
I spent mine sitting on my bed, holding Alyse who had just woken up crying for her daddy, who was NOT here. I think all the fireworks woke her up. (BTW, here is a little reminder for all my neighbors from this law abiding police officer's wife.)
There was no husband to kiss. (This was our first New Years not being together since 1998.)
There was no sparkling grape juice (That would be my celebratory drink of choice.)
There were no friends.
It was just me, in my pjs, "shhhhing", and Dick Clark on the TV. (Which, by the way was a little sad. Glad he feels well enough to host, but well....)
It is that time again to set some goals for the next year.
First, let's take a look at 2008's and see how we did.
1. Lose weight - I am happy to say that YES I DID IT! I am going into 2009 28lbs lighter than I went into 2008. Almost 30 lbs! Go me! (It actually was right at 30lbs, but well, I have been enjoying some of those Christmas goodies.)
2. Limit the Diet Coke and drink more water - .... um, well, I kinda did good at this one. There have been some ups and downs. I didn't drink it for a month while we were on the Daniel Fast. I also have gone many days that I have only had one or none. However, I admit it, I am addicted. I have done pretty good at drinking water. I could do better though.... Guess this one is going on the 2009 list too.
3. Have some more Jesus in my life - I do feel like this year has been a growing year for me. I have seen my relationship with the Lord develop, but again I am going to put this on my list for this year too (and it will probably stay on "the list" year after year.)
4. Love on my husband more - Well, I think you can all tell that I do love me some Josh! Sometimes I don't think I could love him any more. This year has been a good year for us, but I pray that our relationship will continue to grow and that I can be the best wife that I can.
5. Shopping wisdom - Um, again this one has had it's ups and downs. There were times that I have done really well having self control and really thinking about my purchases. However, I am a girl who loves to shop and have had a few set backs. I am working on it! But I do believe that I am doing better.
Ok, here are the things that I am hoping for in 2009!
1. I still would like to lose a little more weight. I am thinking 10 to 15 lbs. However, I am not going to stress about it. I am going to continue to work out, eat well, and drink more water, but I am not going to stress about a number on the scale. (Plus, see goal #5)
2. I have to add the shopping wisdom back onto the list. Dear Lord, please help me make wise choices and remember our budget. (Things like #6 depend on it.)
3. I have to also add growth in my relationship with the Lord. My big goal in this is to take more time to actually spend with Him. I want to read my Bible more, pray more, and listen to Him more. Sometimes I think I focus too much on me, worship songs, or devotional books. I want to hear from Him this year.
4. I want to continue to grow as a wife and mother. I feel like there are many times that I could give more, have more patience, and encourage more. I also don't want to waste my moments with either Josh or Alyse. I have learned this year that time really does fly. I am going to not stress about small things. I want to make my family my priority.
5. I want to be able to have an answer for The Question. (Only got it once today. Three times in the last week.) I think that I am ready to be a mommy of two. Josh and I have been talking and praying about this, and I am thinking that by the end of 2009, or possibly early 2010, there will be another baby in our house. (NO, this is not an announcement. Wait for it!)
6. I really want a new house. I am not sure if I will have it by the end of 2009, but a girl can wish.
7. I want my friendships to develop. I know that there are many people who love me and care about me, and who I care about, but well..... I just get a little lonely sometimes.
8. I would like to develop as a writer. When I look back at some of my previous post, they make me kind of embarrassed and sometimes disappointed with myself. I want to be more creative and more entertaining.
9. For my last goal, I am just going to say "Odds and Ends". I have a few little things that I want to just cross of my list. Projects around the house, things I want to work on, personal plans, etc.
10. I am hoping that 2009 will have lots of good thing to come. I am also hoping that I can say goodbye to it better than I said hello to it. Maybe I should start planning it now. Anyone have plans for New Years Eve next year?