Let me just say that I would not consider myself a "political" person. I know, I know ... everyone is effected by what goes on in politics, but I just can not get into it. I try really hard to follow what they are saying about different candidates, our economy, education, immigration, pro-life/choice, amendments...., but God just did not give me the political science kind of mind.

However, I do believe that it is very important to vote. So, yesterday Josh and I made our way to the polls to do some early voting. As I walked in (and was accosted by people with fliers) I started to panic a little. I had this feeling of "Oh my gosh! This is so important and I have no clue what I am doing! I should have studied up before I came in!" When I looked at the ballot, I of course knew about the Presidential candidates. I also knew who I was voting for some other state positions, but all those names started to overwhelm me a little. They say that each vote counts, so I knew I needed to make sure that I made the most of my vote. I started to go over things in my mind a little, said a little prayer, and started hitting buttons. Walking out, wearing my "I Voted" sticker, made me proud.

This whole Presidential campaign has been difficult for me. I really would not say that I am a supporter of either one of the candidates. There are things that I like about both of them, and things that scare me about both of them. I did have to do some thinking on who I thought deserved my vote. I didn't want to vote for one or the other just because of them being a Democrat or a Republican. I like what Pastor said on Sunday. It takes 2 wings to fly a bird, not just the left wing or the right wing!

I do have to say that I believe that Obama is going to win. Which, yes, scares me a little. I think he is going to win because you don't have to sit and watch CNN or Headline News to hear about him. He is all over local stations, Mtv, and even Noggin! (He was the Kid's Choice for President.) I don't necessarily agree with his politics. (Hello, that whole issue with the American flag and National Anthem thing is crazy!) But after sitting through church on Sunday, I was reminded that God is in control. We will just have to remember "In God We Trust"!


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