When I was growing up about once a month, my dad would come and take me out on a Daddy/Daughter Date. I remember getting really excited when Daddy would come and sign me out of school for a quick lunch together.
It has been awhile since we have gone on a date, but this morning, my dad asked me if I would like to go on a date with him. My mom and Danielle were just going to hang out at the house, so I left Alyse with them and Dad and I took off.
We went out for lunch and then went to go see a movie.
We saw - Billy: The Early Years.
It is the story of how Billy Graham was saved, met Ruth, and the beginning of his ministry. I thought it was a pretty good movie. It was better than I thought it would be. (I have to say that I didn't love the ending and I thought it would have been better without the whole side story of Charles Templeton, but that is just me.)
Thanks for inviting me, Dad!