When I was growing up about once a month, my dad would come and take me out on a Daddy/Daughter Date. I remember getting really excited when Daddy would come and sign me out of school for a quick lunch together.

It has been awhile since we have gone on a date, but this morning, my dad asked me if I would like to go on a date with him. My mom and Danielle were just going to hang out at the house, so I left Alyse with them and Dad and I took off.

We went out for lunch and then went to go see a movie.

We saw - Billy: The Early Years.

It is the story of how Billy Graham was saved, met Ruth, and the beginning of his ministry. I thought it was a pretty good movie. It was better than I thought it would be. (I have to say that I didn't love the ending and I thought it would have been better without the whole side story of Charles Templeton, but that is just me.)

Going out with Dad was nice. We had good conversations and we both enjoyed the movie. It wasn't anything all that exciting, but it was special for the two of us. I am glad we went.

Thanks for inviting me, Dad!


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