So I got up this morning at 4:45am (Well, I was suppose to, but I admit hitting the snooze button once.)

Why? I had to get ready for boot camp, of course.

Yes, I am serious.

No, I have no clue what I am thinking!

No, I am NOT a morning person.

No, I do NOT enjoy working out.

Yes, I think I am going to stick with it. It will be hard! I am just going to have to push through the pain and make myself do it. If I got through today, I know I can do it 11 more times.

I want to do it not only to say that I have a Body by Buck, but also because it will be a challenge. I know that I will be healthier, skinnier (hopefully), and proud of myself for completing it.

Am I crazy?!

1 Comment:

  1. Kelly H. said...
    You are NOT crazy-you are awesome! (and you're comment was hilarious btw). I'm so glad you are doing bootcamp-and you will be too! Who knows? Maybe by the end you WILL like working out..maybe not the whole morning thing though, that's not easily changed. :) Hang in there, you will love the results!

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