While reading my bloglines today I discovered that I had been tagged by my friend Dawn.

Here is how it works... You go to your fourth file and choose your fourth picture and write a blog about it. Then you tag four of your friends to do the same thing.

Here is my picture -

Who: Alyse Nicole

When: Monday, October 13, 2008

Where: The park

What: We were on a family fun day. It was Josh's day off and we decided to go play at the park because it was a beautiful day. We walked on the walking trails and also walked around the little lake. Josh took her right up to the water (which made me a little nervous!) and they threw some stones in the water. They also looked at the fish and saw a turtle. Of course I had my camera, so I took this shot of her sitting on a log by the water.

Tag you're it: Dad, Amy, Erin, Allison


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