Some of you have noticed that I have changed a few things on my blog.

Yes, I did change the name. My blog use to be "All Because Two People Fell In Love." Now it is "Because of Love." I was thinking about how God has really blessed our family and thought, "Wow, how great is God's love." Then I started thinking that really Josh's and my love for each other, and our love for Alyse and the rest of our family and friends, really started with God. So, I decided to change the name of my blog because God's love really comes first. We really wouldn't have anything without the love of God, and then our love for each other.

I also did not get rid of my blog links. They are still there on the side. In fact, there are more. I just thought it might look a little neater and more organized if they were in their own little section.

I also have added a Bible Verse list.

There are a few more other additions and changes that I have started planning, but I haven't had time to start and finish them. Hopefully they will get done sometime soon.


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