A lot of people think that being a stay at home mom means that you just stay at home and relax all day. It really isn't like that. (Can I get an "Amen" from all you other SAHMs out there?)
I try really hard to make the most out of everyday. Alyse is still a baby, and she isn't involved in activities and things yet, so we do have a pretty easy schedule, but I don't want to sit in my pj everyday in front of the TV. (Notice I said "everyday". I am not going to lie. Sometimes we do have a pj day.)
Here is a look at what our day looked like today:
7:30ish - Alyse wakes up. Josh went in and got her and brought her to me in bed were we snuggled as he got ready for the day. (This is very early for her! She usually doesn't wake up until 8/8:30.)
8am - Say goodbye to Daddy. (This is late for Josh to leave. A lot of the time he leaves before 6am.) Alyse watched "The Wiggles" and I rested/slept.
8:30 am - Got up and read Alyse her devotions. (A story from her Baby's First Bible and read our verse of the day from her flip chart she got at the Billy Graham Library.)
8:45ish - Breakfast (Eggos with strawberries for both of us.)
9:00 - Played while watching "The Backyardigans"
9:30 - 10:30 - Alyse continued to play, read books, and enjoy her morning. I talked to Josh and a friend on the phone for a few minutes, cleaned up the kitchen, and then played/read with her.
10:30 - 12:15 Alyse takes her morning nap. I got ready for the day, checked my e-mail, sent some e-mails out to our small group and some other people, started some laundry.
12:30 - Lunch (Alyse had bologna, cheese, some apple slices and a few Teddy Grahams. I had some left over spaghetti.)
1:00 - Got Alyse dressed and picked up her toys
1:30 - 2:45 - Trip to Target (She listened to her kids play list of Hillsong Kids and Veggie Tales on my phone the whole time.)
2:45 - Snack (Flat Earth Baked Veggi Crisp, Tangy Tomato Ranch-Yummy!) and talked to Daddy on the phone.
*** Note: I have to say that usually during this 12:30 to 3:00 time we have been going to the pool this summer. However, when I realized that we only had 2 diapers, I decided that a Target trip was necessary! ***
3:00 - 4:30 Alyse takes her afternoon nap. I did the computer thing again, did more laundry, talked on the phone with a friend, did my devotions (Beth Moore- "Praying God's Word Day by Day", prayed the Praying for a Servant's Heart verses from "Praying the Scriptures for your Children", personal prayer time, read the Proverb of the day from The Message.)
4:45ish - almost 6:00 - Take a walk to the playground, play, walk home
6:15 Dinner (Enchiladas - corn tortillas, rice with salsa, corn, cheese, sour cream sauce)
6:45ish I switch the laundry and clean up as Alyse plays
7:00 - Bath, put pjs on, read a few books, called Daddy to say goodnight
7:30 - Alyse watched "The Wiggles" as she drank her bottle.
**** Another note: I am sure that some of you are thinking that Alyse watches a lot of TV, but it is only three 20 minute shows. That is only about an 1 hr all day long. ****
8:00 - Bed time for Alyse
8:00 to 10:00 - Watched "So You Think You Can Dance" as I worked out (I walked on my stair stepper and worked out with my own made up work out with resistance cords, pilates moves, and the Marine Corps 7 that Amy and Tyler taught me.) Then I took a FAST shower so I could... 10:00 - Watch "Top Chef" as I drank my Diet Coke and waited for Josh to get home.
a little before 11:00 - Josh comes home
11:15 Finished my blog as Josh got ready for bed.
11:30ish Devotions with Josh (Songs In The Key of Solomon)
12:00ish Lay in bed and talk/go to sleep
There you have it. A day in our life.
***** Final Note: I didn't include taking care of 2 dogs and a cat, changing diapers, wiping a runny nose, wiping sticky hands, comforting tears, finding lost Taggies, and giving lots of hugs and kisses, but all that happened too! *****