I have always been the kind of person that enjoys spending some time alone. I like to just do my own thing and be all by myself. When I was teaching, I looked forward to the summer days of just sleeping in, laying by the pool, reading, watching movies, and relaxing alone. When I had Alyse, I thought that I wouldn't get a chance to do that very often anymore, but fortunately, I have great parents who enjoy spending time with their granddaughter, so I still get my "Stephanie Time" quite often.

Alyse has been with my mom and dad in Raleigh yesterday and today. They will be back in the morning. So, I have been doing a lot on my own. Here is some of what I have done.

- Read 2 magazines and about 5 chapters of a new book
- Got my nails done
- Cleaned out the closet
- Talked on the phone with some friends
- Laid in bed and watched 3 movies (Well, Bo was with me for those.)
- Worked out a lot at the gym
- Stopped by the church office
- cleaned up around the house
- laundry
- cooked a bunch of meals for Josh
- Read some blogs, caught up on e-mails, and played on Facebook
- Really enjoyed myself!


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