Do you remember this song from when you were growing up?

This is the day, this is the day
That the Lord has made, that the Lord has made
I will rejoice, I will rejoice
And be glad in it, and be glad in it
This is the day
That the Lord has made
I will rejoice
And be glad in it
This is the day, this is the day
That the Lord has made

I was singing this song to Alyse today, and I started to think that today really has been a good day. Yesterday was too. Here are some of the good things that have happened:

- It is such a pretty day today!

- Today we celebrated Lucy Love and Jeremiah H.'s 1st birthdays. It was so much fun to watch Alyse and all her little friends play together. (I hope that Jeremiah likes his new police car and I can't wait to see Alyse and Lucy in their matching dresses!) I can't believe it has been a year since our baby boom, but it is fun to watch them grow up together.

- My friend, Ferris, had some big news! I am so happy for her and Wade!

- Wore a new pair of jeans - 1 SIZE SMALLER!!!! (Yay for me!)

- You may remember that a few weeks ago I told you about a guy who asked me for my number. Well, shockingly, I was walking through Wal-Mart yesterday and guess who came up to talk to me?! The same guy. His name is Shane. He is a fireman. (And I forgot how cute he was.) Well, because I am taken, I invited him to church. I told him that I could find a couple of girls for him there. (I may have one in mind!!!!) It would be great if he actually came, but I am guessing that I scared him away.

- I got flowers for Administrative Assistant's Day. No, I didn't get a new job. I just have to take care of my friend Lori, and she always takes care of me. (And makes me laugh!)

I could keep going, but I must stop. I don't want to waste the rest of this beautiful day. I hope you have a good day today too!

1 Comment:

  1. Jill Pagels said...
    How funny you mention this song! A couple weeks ago I was watching Dateline and a lady mentioned it and it has been stuck in my head ever since. I've been singing it often and I just sang it to Matthew a few hours ago when I was putting him to bed. There always is something great in every day if we choose to see it, and it sure sounds like you had a great day. Congratulations on the lower jeans size!

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