Yesterday I was so happy to go over and spend some time with my friend Kelly. It was so much fun. Every time that I hang out with her, I walk away thinking how great she is. So, today I am going to tell you some of the reasons that I love Kelly!

1. She is one of those people who you just want to be friends with. I remember meeting her and thinking, "I can't wait to get to know her. She seems so awesome!'' I was right. She is awesome. She is someone who you can talk to and laugh with. She is a great friend!

2. I really respect her as a mom. She has four beautiful girls that are so polite and sweet. I see her (and her husband, Larry) raising them to be girls who respect others and have a heart for Jesus. I hope that I will be able to encourage, love on, and speak to my children like Kelly talks to hers.

3. I love how she trusts me with things. When she opens up to me, I count it a privilege to be a part of her world. She has so many great people around her, and I am honored that she calls me a friend.

4. Kelly is always there whenever I need her. Just tonight I called her and she was there for me. Even with her own busy life, she always is there to answer the phone, send me a text or an e-mail. I love that!

5. She is a great woman of God. She really is one of those people that you want to be around because she is a great example of how a true Christian woman acts. I feel like I can learn so much from her about being a great wife, a great mom, and an all around great person.

I could go on and on about her! But I will stop by saying, I love you, Kelly! Thanks for being my friend. You are the best!


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