Today for my Friday Friend Day post, I will be sending out some love for my friend Amy. (Even though she will not read it because she doesn't read blogs, but that is ok. I still love her!)

Before I start, I must wish her a Happy Birthday! I was glad to be part of a little celebration for her the other night, but her actual birthday isn't until Sunday. So, if you see her, tell her HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

You will also have to OOOHHH and AAAHHH over her new haircut, which is SOOOO CUTE!!!!

Ok, these are some of the reasons that I love Amy:

1. She is one of the nicest people that I know. She is so sweet. Every time that I talk to her, I walk away feeling happy.

2. I think she is so beautiful! (Especially with the new haircut.) She always looks so nice. I don't think I have ever seen her not "put together". I am a little jealous of her little skinny self, but that is ok.

3. She is so smart! If I ever need advice about anything, Amy is going to be one of the first people that I call. She always knows what to do.

4. I love her because of how she loves her kids and husband! She is an AWESOME mom and wife! Plus I love her kids. I think that Ella is one of the most precious little curly haired, dress wearing little girl that I know. I also love Austin. In fact, I really do believe that we should work out an arranged marriage between him and Alyse. I also see how much that she loves and supports Chunks. I really respect that.

5. I love her heart for Christ. I have seen her up on stage singing. I have been in small group with her. I have done a Bible Study with her. I have hung out with her, Chunks, and the kids. I have had "girl time" with her. And in all those situations I have no doubt about her love for Christ. It truly is inspiring to me to see how great of a godly woman she is.

I could continue, but I will stop.

Just know that I love her and I feel so privileged to be her friend!


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