Before we had Alyse, Josh and I were on the "Cash Only Plan". Every week, I knew that I had so much money to use. Once I ran out, I knew that I was done spending for the week.
Well, since we had Alyse, we somehow stopped the "COP" way of life. My debit card has become my life. Lunch here, a Target trip there.... money has been flying out of the checking account. Well, Josh decided to fix this problem.
The other day I woke up to Josh telling me that he had left me some cash to use for the week. Later I saw the money laying on the counter and I decided that I was going to put it in my wallet before I forgot about it. When I opened up my wallet, I saw that something was different. My debit card, credit card, and basically everything else was GONE!!! I HAD BEEN ROBBED!
I picked up the phone and called the police (AKA-Josh). I said, "I would like to file a robbery report. I believe that the suspect is about 6'4'', 175 lbs, with dark hair. He goes by the name Josh. Nickname - Baby." He just started to laugh. He told me that if there had really been a robbery, the suspect would not have left cash.
When all this happened, I had to laugh too. No, I wasn't mad that my husband took away my debit and credit cards. I know that he did it because he loves me. He did it for my own good.
I do have a spending problem. I buy things that I know we don't need. I have tried to work on it, but it isn't getting better. It is getting worse.
(Admitting my addiction is the first step. One of our good friends, Brad, has offered to go through the 12 steps of addiction with me, and I have asked Lori to be my "sponsor" because I know she will tell me "No"!)
I realize that now I have to make myself stick to our budget and really focus on it. Before I had no clue how much I spent in a week. Now, hopefully, I will be more accountable with my money.